August 5, 2009

Names, Names!

Few days back a friend of mine updated his status on Facebook saying:

Love aaj kal: Yuck! (Love these days: Yuck!)

Now as Bollywood-ignorant as I am, I thought poor guy must have had a heart break. Thankfully I didn’t comment anything to that effect on his status. Two-three days later another friend, from a completely different circle, updated her Orkut status to:

Love aaj kal: Hyped. (Love these days: Hyped.)

Now I knew I was missing something as this was too big a coincidence. Well as it turns out, Love aaj kal is a Bollywood movie starring Saif Ali Khan. I think I need a RSS feed on Bollywood releases.

Anyway, today something very similar happened. I was trying to write an official cover letter for a specific form. And as usual, I googled for the sample cover letter (for that specific form) and found it at some other school’s site. The site also provided a checklist for submitting that particular form. One of the item on the checklist said:

Cover letter signed by Ms. English.

And I thought they want the cover letter to be grammatically sound but as you can imagine things were not as simple. It turns out Ms. English is the person in charge of the whole process in that school. Hence they need the signature from her!

Life is kinda funny, if you ask me !

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