February 29, 2008


I don't understand why I always feel a dread whenever I delete all the scraps from my orkut scrapbook. Its actually equivalent to what you feel when you format your laptop. A sense of losing your best friend for some reason. Now with laptop I can understand but why do scraps hold the same position, I don't get. They are just tinie-tiny notes from people who at times are not even your friends (even though they are marked as "Friends" in the Orkut).

May be our hindi teacher was right when she use to reiterate... and reiterate some more:

"मनुष्य एक सामाजिक प्राणी हैं।"
(Man is a social animal.)

May be I am not as anti-social/socially inept after all. Somewhere, I do seek out that social aspect of life...even though its only online.

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