June 9, 2009

Indian Muslims

Indian Muslims strikes back! It’s simply awesome.

The crude transcript of what Maulana Madani said to Musharraf is:

Maulana: “Musharraf Sahab, first of all I would like to congratulate you for starting the politics of Pakistan from India. Congratulations to you. Secondly, I would like to ask a question. The population of Muslims living in India are larger than total population of Pakistan, hopefully you know it.”

Musharraf responds, “Yes I know that.”

Maulana continues: “If you know that then you should also know that Indian muslim knows how to solve his problems. We don’t need your advice.” Musharraf nods. Applause from the audience.

Maulana: “Lastly, I want to say this: You ruled Pakistan for so many years and you are accepting that war/Jihad is being conducted from both sides of border. Whether it’s being conducted from both side or not but now we know that at least it’s being conducted from one side by your confession.” Audience laughs. Musharraf looks grumpy.

Maulana: “You can do whatever you want. In this civil society of India, more than 70% , I am being conservative otherwise more than 90%, of population supports Indian Muslims and are ready to fight for them. So please don’t try to alienate Indian Muslims by making any remark, whether it’s made in India or Pakistan. Please. Thank you.”

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