November 14, 2007

Impact Factor

(Click to enlarge and read)
Honestly, I wasn't attempting to stall you when I found this one. This is the actually the latest in the Ph.D. comics series. It made me laugh so I thought it will be good one to put here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. now this gives me motivation to do PHD(may be someday)......

  3. Joining the club? You are always welcome...

  4. thats really funny.....comparison of two incomparables..........

  5. @ Anonymous: Thanks yaar! I was doing same analysis for my blog. I know I am not popular but the record shows that I am read by quiet a few people even though they don't choose to make themselves apparent. Scary part is that some of them visit my blog more than I do!
