April 5, 2009

Orkut and babies...

My Orkut home page is currently filled with the Baby's pictures (babies of my friends, that is). And all of them are endorsed with the same type of comments : "aaawww","so cute", "he/she is a cutie pie", "sweet" and all the other variants of these comments. Seriously. From top to bottom, I have these updates from my friends and all of them are same. Worse: it has been so for past 2-3 months. My homepage doesn't change much except for babies. I have lost track of who has how many babies and what's their name. And honestly I am no longer interested.

Offcially I hate all those parents who put their baby's pictures as their profile picture. One of them went as far as changing her name to her baby's name. I am friend's with them and not their baby. It's great that they have one of those and their babies are most important thing in their life, but still they are not MY FRIEND.

Honestly, I am on verge of quitting Orkut. It has become more of a baby news page than a social network. Or may be I should change friends.

P.S.: Don't get me wrong. I love kids. My rambling is more about the loss of personal life of parents when they have one. Again I understand kids change a lot of things in the parent's life but why do the parents expect everyone around them to be as consumed by their kids?

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