October 15, 2007

So how was your interview?

Frankly, I don't know answer to this question. How do you know how your interview went? Obviously, the interviewers won't tell you. They all are so nice to you. How do you know when did you screw up? They don't react, they write which, by the way, is very annoying.

Speaking of being annoying, what's up with those HR questions? Have you been in situation where you had a difficult team member and how did you deal with the situation? Have you ever disagreed with your supervisor? How did you deal with that? Have you ever dealt with a difficult person? Have you worked in a limited budget project?(Yeah. Its called grad life!). Which course do you like the most and why? Which was the most difficult course you took and what did you do to deal with it? Honestly, I am not sure whether they are looking for an intern or a suitable match for marriage. And how do they know I am not making up these "experiences"?


  1. lol.....I so agree dude.....some of this HR question suck...here is the one question in one of my interview...

    What was your toughest moment in Life?
    my answer:- If you dont give me a job..it`ll be my toughest moment!
    did i get that job?(your guess is as good as mine)

    PS. keep posting as blogs are my only entertainment access from the work.

  2. hehehe..that was funny.

    Its great to know someone out there read my ramblings. Gives a good motivation to write..
