December 23, 2009

What’s wrong with her?

Honestly! Watch this video. This girl is severely malnutrition and need help. I bet she is anorexic. How is this supposed to be beautiful or hot or whatever they are going for these days? I feel like picking her up (and I think I will be able to do that without any difficulty) and taking her to the emergency ward. She can easily get a role as a holocaust survivor in a World War II movie.

For those of you drooling idiots who don’t know what I am talking about, please watch her arms and her shoulder and see how skin and bones they are. Human body isn’t supposed to be like that!

P.S.: Don’t get me started with her stupid hairs. The least she could have done was, I don’t know, combed them!


  1. Don't you just want to take a greasy burger and shove it down her throat???

  2. @ PB: Oh I won't bother with burger, I will take some butter and shove it down her throat. But then probably her stomach won't be able to take in any kind of food. well at least that's what happened with survivor of holocaust!

  3. But what is attractive about her? Am I missing something here, because I don't find her the least bit attractive. I mean, NO BOOBS And NO BUTT!! And all bone.. they would "chubho" if you tried to get close.
    no, I'm sure guys like some meat on their bone ;)

  4. Also, everybody- and I mean everybody- likes boobs. Not to be mean, but to quote Lana Weinberger "she could use band-aids instead of a bra!"

  5. Tut tut tut, Richa... You should try and think positive. Her looks have a lot of positive advantages, and it's unfair that you completely overlook them to state the obvious shortcomings...

    For one thing, if she is at some point, trapped inside a burning building, think of how easy it would be for a fireman to help her down. He would have several options - He can toss her down to a comrade below... or use a sturdy drainpipe to flush her down to safety.

    Or in case she gets hospitalized... say, for breaking a couple of bones when she sneezed... think of the hours saved by the doctor simply for bypassing the tedious routine of X raying her body. The doctor can just take a look at her and make the diagnosis rather instantly.

    And think of her contribution to food conservation. She survives on half a pea for breakfast, the remaining half spread over lunch and dinner. Half a caramel eclair serves as her birthday cake, and your average tiffin box basically stores her year's supply of sustenance.

    If you're ever trapped in a dusty room of a deserted mansion, she would also be the one person you would pray to be your co-trapped. With little or no difficulty, she could slide under the door and inform the necessary people.

    And you also forget. Portability is a highly sought after trait in the new age. If you fold her in half, she would easily fit in the standard shoulder bag, and if you fold her in half twice, she may... just may... fit in your purse.

    So yes, we need more people like her. Think out of the box. ;)

  6. @ Rachna: Love the quote! She really needs band-aids.. I don't know about guys (someone did pick her up as a "KINGFISHER" model, and am betting it's a guy!)

    @ Hammy: Hehehehe..that was funny! I wish I had your sense of humor!!!

    I certainly want to be trapped in the deserted mansion with least I can eat whatever is available without sharing!!
