January 22, 2008


Why do we hurt people closest to us? Why do we snap at them when we are having a bad day? They are the one's who actually comfort us in the most stressful time and still, instead of thanking them for that, we scream at them. It's so unfair and still it happens every time I am stressed. And then comes the guilt. It actually adds to the already high stress level. And still we don't learn from past mistakes and do it again next time.

Or may be its just me. And if its just me, does that mean I am a jerk? May be I am. Either way, all I want to know is: Is there a way for me to stop hurting people around me when I am stressed out? Is there a way to isolate people I care about from my bad-self?


  1. Ah..am no expert concerning matters of heart but have heard experts suggest the 'kiss and make up' routine to be quite effective :o) !

  2. No- its not just you. I also scream and shout at my loved ones every time I feel stressed or panicky or worried about something, totally unrelated to them!
    And then feel awful about it!!!

  3. @Anonymous: Hehehe. At times, it doesn't work!

    @Rachna: thanks! Its so cool to have someone relate to it...
