“it is simple, there are lot of hot and serious issues to discussed and debated like genocide in Kashmir by the great army of your great nation. These are futile issues, any body is gay or lesbian, doesn't matter. People r not used to it that is y it looks funny to them but in coming decade people won't feel like that. You should write how communistic tendencies have become elitetistic in this pseudo-secular n antidemocratic country?As you might have guessed it, this is a comment that I received on my last post. This isn’t the first time I have heard someone trivializing the Gay issue because according to them, there are far more pressing issues in the world to talk about.
You should write about the Imperialistic and colonial tendencies of your great nation instead ............ !! Please channelize your creative tendencies to revolutionize your nation not to harp on a non-issue.”
Well, if being Gay is such a non-issue then why almost all the religious sects, including Christianity, Islam and Hinduism (for once they agree on something) prohibit the homosexuality and do everything possible (= spend a lot of money and resources) to make life difficult for Homosexuals and whenever possible, attempt to criminalize homosexuality with the penalty of death? Why are homosexuals tortured - mentally, socially and physically, beaten- at times beaten to death, murdered and hanged all the time? In South Africa, lesbians are being raped in order to turn them heterosexual (read this brilliant post by Sparky on how less the life of a homosexual is valued in today’s world). How can all this be a non-issue? It’s a worldwide genocide condoned by all religious sect and quite often by the Government. Just because you or anyone you know haven’t suffered yet due to this, it doesn’t mean that it becomes a non-issue. And if you can laugh at this genocide and try to trivialize it, with what right do you expect anyone to be sympathetic to your cause? How can you be indifferent towards one genocide while fighting against the other?
On a side note, I have often posted about how woman in our society are at the lowest levels. Well, congratulations ladies, we have found a group even lower than us on the social ladder: The LGBTs. Why else would a reputed news channel as BBC, dare to run a survey on its website asking if homosexuals should face execution? The key word being “if”, as if it is an option worth considering: should we legally kill another human for the “non-issue” crime of homosexuality? (Yeah, it’s such a non-issue! How does it matter if we kill homosexuals or not?) It was later retracted by BBC but yet they did put it there in the first place, as if it was a legitimate question to ask. At least no news channel, even an Indian news channel, will put up a poll asking if we should execute women, will it now? (Worst: Such questions are actually debated in the parliaments of many countries and are passed as laws. Non-issue? Really?)
CREDITS: Most of the issues raised here as well as the references came from Sparky’s site. Please do visit his wonderful site for more info.
P.S.: 1. As for my opinion on Kashmir issue, I wrote about it here (well I paraphrased most of it from Vir Sanghvi’s article on the same subject but then I do agree with him on the issue..).
2. I don’t understand this line in the comment above:
“ You should write how communistic tendencies have become elitetistic in this pseudo-secular n antidemocratic country?”
Anyone care to explain it? I am scratching my head here.
People basically want to frame things as a zero-sum issue, i.e. everything for me, and nothing for you - or, all the discussion on things "I" consider important and none on what "you" do. This is a convenient way to avoid actually discussing an issue on its merits.