November 5, 2019

Traffic Rules

So I almost had an accident this morning. I have had this almost accident several times now so thought I will vent out a bit. It always happens on a blind wide turn. Let me explain it using a diagram.

So I am scooter no. 1 in this picture, driving/riding on the left side of the road. I need to turn left at the dead end. SoI trying to follow the yellow dotted line path to make this turn. Scooter number 2 is another rider who is trying to turn right into my road. For some unknown reason, or maybe due to lack of either traffic rules or lack of basic common sense, they are trying to follow the green dotted line path. This path essentially means that they go to the right side of the road to make the turn and then go back to the left side of the road after making the turn. Did I mention that this is a blind turn?. None of us can see each other unless we are turning. Did I mention utter lack of common sense?

So that's how I almost had an accident this morning. There was also a speeding car involved on the right side of the road I was turning in. At the blind turn! They just had to overtake while approaching a blind turn. To save 10 secs. They might kill someone to save 10 secs. But then who cares for human life in India. People die on the road like vegetables in India.

BTW, I also sketched out the right way of making that turn. Just in case someone is interested in saving themselves and other pain and possible loss of life. It just requires to travel 10m further on the same road, remaining on the left side of the road before cutting across and end up on the left side of the road they are turning in. Basically following the green dotted in the diagram.

P.S.: I am so proud of myself of getting through this entire post without mentioning the lack of helmet or seatbelt. I think I am going to award myself by allowing myself to rant about it now. The thing that never made sense to me by any logic I have applied is that why people complain about everything wrong that government does but refuse to wear helmet and seatbelt. The government doesn't gain anything by us wearing the helmet or the seatbelt. It is for our own protection. Why don't people jump on the chance of protecting themselves? I don't even understand why do they refuse. Seriously, you don't even feel them. And it may save your life but somehow like a 3-year old they throw tantrums at the prospect. I can understand a three-year-old doing such a thing but an adult? Seriously? How do they justify themselves? 

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