February 10, 2015

Long time..

I miss blogging. I do. I miss the support system that blogging provides. So here is an attempt to restart a dead blog. Let's see how things go...

I guess New Year would have been a good time to start again but this year I delayed my resolution by one month to make sure it's not just the post-holiday guilt/excitement. I delayed joining the gym as well. I started this Monday with first-ever Pilates class (am still sore).

My life situation at the moment, well frankly, is not so good. While the world is celebrating low oil prices, oil industry as a whole going through redundancies including yours truly company. We haven't yet been told who goes or who stays because, as per UK law, we have  months of consultation period. Frankly, it's a torture. I would rather get to know now instead of three months of uncertainty. But then we can't change the law, can we?

Having said that, it's quite interesting to see how people's behaviour change when they are put in such a stressful, uncertain environment. The political correctness, the friendship: everything goes out of window. Guess, tough time is good time to measure a person's character.

Well, that's all from me tonight. Hope to be back here again soon.

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