November 18, 2010


…comes in many forms and shapes. You are trying to avoid eating junk, and voila, you are in a class where instructor gives candies for good discussions in class. Those candies sit on your table while your sole distractions are the power point slides in front. How long do you think you can resist not eating them? Even if you absolutely hate chocolate, the sugar will tempt you.

Then there is temptation and charm of free food. You might resist the temptation of buying a candy but when its given to you, well, its harder to resist.

Why participate in discussions, you ask? Well, that’s yet another kind of temptation. And when the instructor is so positive and encouraging about having those discussions, its hard to get around them. You don’t even remember the candy until things have gotten out of hand and you have yet another candy in your hand.

I am fighting and loosing miserably to all kinds of temptations these days. Can someone please send me an ounce of will-power?

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