May 27, 2009

Alan Shore

As I mentioned earlier, I have a crush on Alan Shore. Here are links to five video large_110384_6499_fulclips (embedding was disabled for these videos. Sorry for the inconvenience) from the series Boston Legal to explain you the reasons. But before you go through them, you need to know some back ground about the series. So here it goes:

Alan Shore is a fictional character in series Boston Legal. In the series, he is a denny-cranelawyer with the firm called Crane, Poole & Schmidt. He is a brilliant lawyer and a compassionate human being. His best friend is Denny Crane, who was a very successful lawyer in his days and now suffers with mad cow disease and Alzheimer. He is a Republican to the core unlike Alan but surprisingly this rarely causes any problem between Alan and Denny. (Another reason I love the show).

The first clip is about his secretary's financial troubles when her credit card company ChrisRichcharges ridiculous interest rates putting her $50,000 in debt. He deals with the  lawyer of the credit card company here. The credit card company lawyer is very perky and it’s quiet entertaining to watch Alan’s reaction to him. He simply can’t stand him. (Boston Legal, Season 2 episode-10: Legal Deficit).

The second video clip again involves his secretary. This time she refused to pay the 19-boston-legal-stickit-melissatestimonyincome taxes to IRS as a “protest” against her money being used to finance the war she opposes. Alan Shore gives a great speech in this episode about how many ridiculous things have been passed through American constitution recently, in name of patriotism. (Boston Legal, Season 2 episode-19: Stick it).

The next clip is from one of my favorite episode of Boston Legal. Alan is trying this Alan_Cowboycase in Texas.The case is about a convicted murder who is sentenced to death. The defendant confessed to murder. But new DNA evidence put someone else at the murder scene. A friend calls Alan to help represent the convicted murder. The passion of Alan Shore in this episode was amazing. He lost the case and his client was put to death. (Boston Legal, Season 1 episode-17: Death be not proud).

The fourth video clip is a case which Alan lost. It was a case about a girl who had a neurological disorder due to an accidentSmile which makes it impossible for her to smile. She is a good student and still one of the best private school refuses to admit her because of her illness. So Alan pulls up a stunt by calling the press at the school and gets her admitted in the school. Later he talks to the girl about fitting in. (Boston Legal, Season 2 episode-15: Smile).

The last video is a mixture of a lot of different things. Simply sit back and enjoy. (Boston Legal, Season 2 episode-13: Too much information).

Hope you like them as much as I do!

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