June 12, 2008

Project Sanpshot #34, #35, #36, #37, #38 and #39

As I said in previous post, I have been very busy this whole week. So usually when the alarm went off, I would be either on phone talking to someone or the other about credit cards or bank accounts or lease signing or some other paperwork. Otherwise I would have been driving around or sitting in my office working on my presentation. In either case, I just clicked whatever I could set my eyes on an here are those shots.

Starting with a shot from home. I was talking on phone and clicked this.

Date: June 06, 2008
Location: Mountain View, CA
Titled: Blinds

Next day I was driving. And no, I didn't click it while I was driving. I take safety very seriously so I don't talk on cell phone while driving or take pictures. I was on a red light when I took this one.

Date: June 07, 2008
Location: Mountain View, CA
Titled: Red Light

I was on phone talking to someone (I don't even remember who) and TV was on. This is some news about public transport or something. I didn't hear the story, obviously. I was on the phone.

Date: June 08, 2008
Location: Mountain View, CA
Titled: News

Next day, I was working in office. Some cool results from my research. Enjoy. ;)

Date: June 09, 2008
Location: Stanford, CA
Titled: Research

Next day, I again found myself sitting in front of computer but instead of taking yet another shot of my computer, I turned around and took picture of our office.

Date: June 10, 2008
Location: Stanford, CA
Titled: Office

This was yesterday. I had a terrible headache yesterday so I came back early. I was trying to catch some sleep when stupid alarm went off. I groaned and moaned and thought about ignoring it but then I did get up and took this one of our backyard. Soon after that I got ready and went for yet another grueling Karate class. I am getting tested for Blue belt on Monday. So I couldn't afford to miss the class. Life is no fun these days.

Date: June 11, 2008
Location: Mountain View, CA
Titled: Backyard