October 6, 2008

Career Fair..

Overheard on the way...
"So when is career fair?"
"Next week."
"Cool. I lost my bottle."


P.S.: 1. For people who didn't get the joke: Career fair is the time when you get a lot of free gifts from various companies. Water bottle being one of the popular items that is handed out during these career fairs.

2. It's also time for a lot of free lunches and dinners, especially if you are about to graduate.


  1. Are there any positions opening in current crisis

  2. Approximately 300 companies will be here. And that's just the general career fair. Then there are job fairs scheduled for individual fields. So I am guessing there are positions open and they are hiring.

    But then it might have something to do with Stanford's reputation. After all for outer world, we are still the cream. :)

  3. I already have 2 bottles :D hihihi.. and frisbees too.. think i'll try for bags and tshirts ;) we'll be having loads of companies in our departments too! yay! free lunches and dinners !

  4. i went there a bit late, and most of the good stuff was already out-of-stock :(

  5. This is hilarious Richa- and soo true :)
